Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Day's Ride and Signing the Schuykill River Agreement

Another wonderful weather day. I had to take Annie to the airport at 5:15 so didn't get on the road until 6 AM. Temperature in the low 60's and on my own I rode at one of my fastest paces of the year. Did the 13 mile loop and arrived home at regular time with an average speed of 12 something mph. That average, of course, includes the slower speeds and stops on the street-riding part of the journey to and from the trail, so I did the trail at a higher clip and loved it.

After the morning at the office I determined to join the festivities at the Locust street entry to the trail. The Mayor, John Street and a representative of CSX Railroad gathered there to sign the agreement guaranteeing access to the trail. That's a shot of the Mayor speaking.

The next shot is hizzoner speaking to one of my congregants who was active in the fight for the park and the final shot is of all the bigwigs gathered on the stage.

After I'd heard enough speeches for more than one day I took off down the path for a quick ride up to Kelly Drive and back and then headed to a local synagogue for a meeting, where I encountered a lovely little street that I'd never really noticed before was cobbled. Funny how a bike puts you into better touch with your surroundings. All this extra riding brought my total for the day up to an even twenty miles!

Also, note the lovely Cherry Blossoms in the background. It is wonderful to have the world re-fill with color!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rabbi,
Your mention of a blog caught my attention. Your commitment to both riding and writing is very impressive, though it's obvious that this has become a labor of love. Did you know that Jim and I met on a bike ride? So you and Annie have chosen a great hobby. Perhaps we can ride together during the summer (though I will never keep up and getting me awake at your usual riding hour would really take a miracle). Thanks for the photo publicity.

Ira F. Stone said...

Hi Debbie,
Thanks for leaving your comment. I love when I get them!
Yes, both riding and writing have become a labor of love. I am thinking about organizing a little synagogue ride sometime so perhaps you and Jim can join in.
I didn't mention your name in the picture, not having permission to do so, but I know you and Jim were very involved in bringing the park into being so yesterday must have been gratifying.

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