Actually, I rode a single loop yesterday, but felt so sluggish that I didn't have the heart to write about it. I still had fever as of Tuesday night, but yesterday I was fever free but clearly not up for much energy output. Plus, I switched back to my old saddle after deciding that I didn't want to mess with the set up of the bike, so things felt different and I needed to re-adjust. But this morning I felt great, it was a beautiful morning and I rode well. Turns out that rather inadvertently in returning the original saddle to the bike I positioned it in such a way as to make it way more comfortable than it had been before I replaced it with the new little saddle. So all's well that end's well. Now I just have to re-adjust to only having limited time to ride again. I did at least manage to bring July's mileage up over the 600 mile mark and actually have the Brompton with me and may add a few more miles before day's end. That feels good.
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