A bit colder this morning and a stronger wind, but another gloriously sunny morning as Annie and I rode our last loop of the year. It has certainly been a very enjoyable and productive year cycling-wise. All of our various group rides as well as our regular morning rides; our learning more about bike maintenance; our various new bikes and growing collection of cycling paraphernalia; all and all a very special first full year riding together. Our schedule didn't allow a longer ride this morning, though once again I would have liked that, but we settled for the usual 13 plus miles and brought the total for the year for me to 5082.3 miles! That is 1082.3 miles above the very ambitious goal of 4000 miles I had set for myself. Well, I will err on the side of caution, mindful of my ever increasing responsibilities and more and more hectic work schedule and set the goal for 2008 at 4500 miles. That increases last year's goal but doesn't presume that I will necessarily be able to duplicate this year's riding.
So, tomorrow we begin the count again. Unfortunately a previously clear forecast has been changed to rain (again!)I hope we will be able to start out the year riding, but we'll have to wait and see. And you, dear reader whoever you are, will hear all about it hear at Bicycle-Musings - (I'm A Ludwig) as usual. Happy New Year!
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