Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hail To The Chimp

You never know who you're going to meet on the famous "Rocky steps" of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. This gentleman was being interviewed as I came around on my first loop in a couple of days this afternoon. An election day stunt of some kind: "Hail to the Chief" "Hail to the Chimp:" same difference.

The holiday was hectic here, but very nice. I rode one Sunday morning after having been up very late on Saturday night and was ready to ride again Monday morning but woke up to a flat. And not just a flat: the tire was pretty much shot. I had been told at the last tune-up that the tire would go soon and that was close to 1000 miles ago. So after trying to change the flat for a minute and then realizing that it would not make a difference I walked home (not very far)and had to forgo the bike until after the holiday in order to buy two new tires. After doing so today I did ride a late afternoon loop. Weather is gorgeous and I felt surprisingly strong. Hoping for a longer ride tomorrow.

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