Monday, September 08, 2008


Yes, come January I will be taking a Sabbatical from my pulpit in order to finish my next book project. During that time I will continue living in my house in Philadelphia and devoting my mornings to writing. But what about my afternoons? I've never been able to write more than 4-5 hours a day and generally in the morning. So I had this idea which now looks to be a reality. I will be an unpaid intern at Bicycle Therapy, my local bike shop, learning to be a bicycle mechanic (wrench)! Is that cool or what? Of course I will blog through my exploits, difficulties and achievements.

Meanwhile, Annie went out this morning for the first time in a week. It was good to have her back on the bike and out on our morning ride. She was a bit nervous (read: terrified) and it didn't help when I cut in front of her as we were returning home. But aside from that she had a good ride.

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