Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another Sunny Day

Temperatures soared to near 50 degrees today and as it is my day off I could ride in the daylight. I headed out after 1PM and had just a great ride; it feels so good to be out after a couple of days lay-off! The roads were fine but very wet from all the melting. I had to traverse some puddles as deep as streams. And while there is a fair amount of melting going on there is still much snow and ice on the sides of the road and no reason to think that the roads and path won't be even more dangerous in the early morning when I normally ride. Despite the warm temperatures today I can't trust that most of this wetness will freeze over the road creating a thin and very difficult to see sheen of ice. So the very wetness of the road reinforced for me the fact that I won't be out in the early morning tomorrow.
Meanwhile I've had a little space to catch up on my blog reading and must thank The Cycling Dude who recently had a post on podcasts he has been checking out. Today I had time to do the same and listend to both The Fredcast and Bikescape. Loved them both and have subscribed to both via Ipod. The Fredcast is broadcasting almost live from the Tour of California. In case you didn't see the horrific pile-up that marked the first stage of that race here is a shot from The Fredcast website:

I was able to watch stage two on Versus last night and now I'm listening to The Fredcast recap of that stage. All very helpful to enriching the cycling experieince.
At the end of stage two Levi Leipheim still was leading the race, pictured here also courtesy of The Fredcast.

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