Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hey Ludwig! - A Fine Day and February Totals

I'll explain the title in a moment. First, the news. I rode out at 9 A.M. with the temperature at 40 degrees, an overcast sky and light winds. I felt like a traffic cop on the last day of the month trying to make my quota for the month. Not that I have a quota, but I did say yesterday that I wanted to make sure that I reached at least 200 miles for the month and given that this is February and that we had two moderate snow storms I thought this was pretty good. And as I said, since the last day of this short month fell on my day off all I needed was decent weather to make my "quota" and more. I rode 23.9 miles today and it felt great to get in such a ride, my longest since 30 miles on January 30th. I could have ridden further, though I was a bit more tired than I'd have liked, but I do have other things to do today.
As I also said yesterday, I wanted to bring my camera with me again today now that it is warm enough to use my fingers. However, since I decided to ride around the loop twice rather than venturing off through Manayunk and beyond, there wasn't much to take photos of beyond what I've already posted in the last two-three months. But I did come up to a train, thankfully not blocking my way, but characteristic of those that often do, and thought I'd at least share that view.

I took this picture just after crossing the Falls Bridge where I stopped to have drink and dial in The Spokesmen #10 on the ipod having finished The Fredcast #2 as I work my way through all the back shows. I can't tell you how much I enjoy these two shows; I find myself, especially listening to The Spokesmen, smiling along with their banter. So in the news section of The Fredcast David told the story of one Ludwig from Znnin Poland who at 84 years of age went out for a ride on his bike. To make a longer story short (and you really should listen to the podcast to get all the details) Ludwig ended up in London, England! So I figure if (again, according to the explanation on The Fredcast #1) a Fred is someone who not only rides a bike but is severely attracted to the gadgets and accessories of a certain bike-cultural look (and I guess I'm a Fred without the financial resources to really express my Fredness) then a Ludwig could be anyone over the age of 55 who is not only a Fred, but also loves to just keep riding eating up the miles pretty much unconcerned with speed. Go Ludwig! I'm a Ludwig. Maybe someday I'll figure out podcasting and do a Ludwigcast.
Oh yes! My total for the month of February is 208.4 miles bringing the total for 2007 to 577.7 miles.

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