Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If You Haven't Seen this One Yet...Obama

It's making its way around the web, but if you haven't seen it yet here is the picture of Presidential candidate Barack Obama going out for a leisurely ride with his family. Somehow I think this is for real, and more, that Obama is the kind of guy who could seriously get behind cycling as a transportation/health/environmental alternative worth putting some big Federal bucks behind. Let's hope.

Meanwhile, Annie had to stay home on a rare Wednesday because of work commitments, so I got up early on my day off and rode a double loop of 20 miles with her. She peeled off to go home and I did three more loops for a 48 miles ride. A pleasant ride with no destination. I will take the Brompton to do some of my own errands later, and add the mileage then.

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