Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Day One Riding In LA

Annie and I left the house a bit later than we would normally. We are, after all, on vacation. We also had a wonderful late night with all our kids and our grandaughter thoroughly entertaining us all. We had a little trouble finding the entry to the bike path we were looking for, but after a while we found it. Getting the folders quickly and easily into the car was a blessing. We ended up riding our regular 13 miles, passing the Encino Velodrome along the way and going into Balboa Park. Thus, we now know exactly where we were. Tomorrow we'll leave earlier, cross the park and we can head all the way back to where our sons live for a longer ride. It is a great path, the same one we've both ridden when out here before. The only trouble with it is that it crosses many big intersections where you must stop and press the cross button in order to get the light. But what the heck. If we were going to be here longer maybe we'd look for other alternatives. Meanwhile it was good to ride and the folders were great.

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