Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Too Pretty To Miss

I was unable to ride this morning because after dropping Annie at the airport there wasn't enough time before work. I did take my bike with me to work and had two meetings on different sides of town which garnered me about 5 miles. But at 4:30 on my way home the weather was so beautiful I couldn't resist heading out on the trail. I didn't have time for a full loop. and riding in a suit and tie carrying my shoulder bag wasn't totally conducive to a long training ride, but I rode anyway, about 8 miles total giving me the usual 13 plus on the day. But more importantly a fun ride. The trail at that time of day is busy of course, but it was manageable and i just relaxed and went with the flow of traffic.

While scanning some websites today I came across this surprising new web site: Check it out. Oy Velo

1 comment:

TheTrishCohen said...

Thanks for the plug! Now I'll check out the rest of your site.

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