Friday, July 04, 2008

Riding in LA - Day 4

A wonderful time was had by all at the wedding. The blog has many fans among my sons' friends which was a lot of fun. Many cycling conversations throughout the night.
Of course, we were home late and tired, but I was up and out of the house at around 8:15 AM without Annie, who chose a late morning swim instead, I rode further along the Busway bike path for a nice 19.5 miles to start another busy day of post wedding gatherings and a large Sabbath dinner at our house tonight.


Anonymous said...

Greetings, Ira and Annie from your new in-laws! Leandra and I are still basking in the joyous afterglow of a wonderful wedding day for Yoshi and Josi.

We are so proud of those two and thrilled to part of your family.

BTW, check out the wedding present I composed for Yoshi and Josi at my my website.

Mazel tov!

Mike Carroll

Ira F. Stone said...

Thanks Mike, the feelings are mutual. I'll listen to the piece when I get home to my own computer.

Unknown said...

Mazel tov, love the pic especially your precious granddaughter oy what a punim.

I friend came up from Philly to the beach this weekend and we biked in such a fog today - could barely see in front of us but it was a nice break from the sun beating down.

Enjoy the rest of the wedding celebrations


Anonymous said...

Hello Ira and Annie,

a wonderful picture of all of you guys!

Respect Ira, that you did a 19.5 mile ride just a day after the wedding.
I was done on the day after the wedding.

You have to go to Netherlands that´s heaven for bike riders.

bike trails everywhere.

Thanks again for having me over for the Sabbath dinner I had a great time with you guys.


Ira F. Stone said...

Thanks, Michael. Safe travels!

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