Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's Not Minnesota But Still..

Another balmy morning in Philadelphia...32 degrees and not much wind on the first loop. I was out a bit later than usual having taken Annie to the airport earlier in the morning for her flight to visit our boys in California.(More on that in a minute.) I wanted to ride a little longer this morning, but did have some time constraints so didn't make two full loops. However I'm not sure I would've anyway. The wind picked up good as I came around for the second loop and the going was a lot tougher. I was happy to head home and come in with a total of 16.2 miles for the day. As the wind picked up the snow began to fall more heavily and I stopped to try to catch a photo of it. I don't think it shows up, but a couple of fellow cyclists going the other way do so I'm sharing it with you anyway.
Among the folks I saw on the ride was my neighbor from across the street. I'm embarrassed to say that despite having lived here for almost 20 years I don't know his name. But he is out on the trail almost everyday, some days running and other days riding. Today he was riding. I'll have to find out his name!(Not pictured.)

So Annie left for California and the big news there is that she took the Citizen folding bike with her. We were very nervous as to how the airline would treat the bike, packed in its traveling bag and well within the specifications for luggage. On their web site the specifically write that there is an $85 handling charge for bicycles. But they took the bike as regular luggage without a word. Now Annie can ride with the kids and I gave explicit instructions that they email me photos of their adventures for the blog. So stay tuned. Of course, the first news I await (aside from the obvious...that Annie have a safe and comfortable flight) is about how the bike holds up to the baggage handlers. I asked her to open the bike and see how it is as soon as she gets settled in Shaul's apartment. Hopefully all will go well and we'll have some reports from the west coast to share here soon.

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