Sunday, June 10, 2007

Race Day!

Annie and I took our normal Sunday morning ride of 25.4 miles, glimpsing all the just awakening activity on the Parkway ahead of today's race. There were tons of cyclists on the road and with both Kelly Drive and the West River Drive closed, it was a dream ride. On top of that I felt better than I ever have! It seems like the last couple of mornings of sluggish legs and then yesterday's day off really made a difference. It was like I'd moved up to a new level. I was flying and feeling no strain. It was wonderful. We could see the teams getting ready and all the vendors setting up. The course is outlined below.

After going home for breakfast and back to work for morning services followed by a short meeting, I was freed up to return to the Parkway to watch some of the race. Checked in at the Bike Club of Philadelphia tent and enjoyed watching for as long as I could. Unfortunately I couldn't stay for the finish because I had a graduation to go to.

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