Sunday, June 03, 2007

Some Good PR...Harry and Another Flat For Annie

First off, it was with great joy that I opened my Sunday Times on Saturday and saw a positive article in their Sport Magazine called "Play" about the upcoming Tour De'France. Check out Play Magazine Enjoy!

Then we headed out this morning for a long Sunday ride. Going around the first loop we saw our friend Harry going the other way. Haven't seen him on the road for awhile so that was fun. However, only minutes later as we began the second time around the loop Annie's back tire flatted again, just like last Sunday. Since we were on the Kelly Drive side of the loop and therefore were accessible by car we decided that I should ride home and come back with the car. We actually tried to pump it up without changing it first, but then it popped again, so whatever is inside the tire is still there and will have to be dealt with later today when I come home from Sunday service, a meeting and a funeral, before the monthly book group and dinner with friends. Busy day. If the weather holds I'll make up the miles tomorrow as I have a breakfast meeting in commutable distance, but further away than just the morning ride.

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